1. Definition
1.1. Information, advice and guidance (IAG) denotes a range of impartial guidance activities and processes that can support choices made by learners, the key elements of which are defined as follows:
Information: This is the data and basic factual information conveyed through different media, either printed or electronically, on course detail, opportunities, and support services;
Advice: Advice involves helping a learner to understand and interpret how the information provided might relate to his/her personal situation. Advice helps learners to understand the requirements of the course, their abilities and targets to be set and may involve suggestions or options on how to go about a given course of action;
Guidance: Guidance aims to support learners to better understand their needs, to confront barriers and to make informed and appropriate choices. Guidance may involve advocacy on behalf of some learners and referral to specialist guidance and support. Referral happens in person-to-person advice or guidance when another member of staff, agency or provider offers services that more closely match the learner’s needs.
2. Rationale
2.1. Equestrian Training Ltd believes that high quality and impartial IAG enables learners of all ages to make informed choices about their programmes and career options and thereby helps to maximise their participation and achievement in learning.
3. Core Principles
3.1. Equestrian Training Ltd will provide IAG services to learners at all stages in their programme. At pre-enrolment stage all learners will receive impartial IAG covering the following broad areas:
Their choice of programme
The entry requirements for each learning aim within their programme
An assessment of the suitability of the learning programme
The availability of financial and learning support if appropriate
The costs associated with their programme
3.2. Once on programme all learners will be allocated an assessor / tutor who will provide on-going advice, guidance and support through appropriate mechanisms such as Progress reviews.
3.3. The range of IAG services provided will reflect the diversity of learner needs and will include referral to appropriate external agencies and other providers where appropriate.
3.4. Equestrian Training Ltd will maintain a formal partnership with their college partners to adhere to the requirements and support of the colleges in the delivery of IAG.
3.5. Staff providing IAG will have the skills, knowledge and experience to identify learner’s needs and to signpost and/or refer onwards as appropriate.
4. Implementation
4.1. The Director is responsible for the overall implementation of this policy.
4.2. The Director will hold specific responsibility for ensuring the IAG Policy is understood and implemented at all levels within the organisation.
4.3. All members of staff have a direct responsibility to ensure that IAG processes and procedures comply with the organisational and external standards for IAG
4.4. The role of the Tutor / Assessor is to ensure that learners are:
Provided with appropriate IAG at all points within their programme of learning
Signposted to appropriate alternative sources of IAG
Refer to appropriate third parties if required
5. Quality Assurance
5.1. The impartiality of information, advice and guidance and the effectiveness of IAG procedures is assured in the following ways:
Feedback from learners
Observation of guidance and enrolment sessions
Standardisation of appropriate paperwork
Feedback from partner organisations
6. Monitoring and Review
6.1. The policy and procedures will be reviewed annually unless changes take place in the meantime.
7. Information Advice and Guidance Procedure
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. The purpose of this procedure is to outline the steps taken by Equestrian Training Ltd to provide an Information, Advice and Guidance(IAG) service, including a Referral service if appropriate, which meets the expectations of organisational Information, Advice and Guidance Policy and all stakeholders including partner organisations.
7.1.2. The procedure is designed to cover a variety of first point of contact situations in an overarching procedure, however it is recognised that there may be a need to adapt the procedure to meet the differing needs of service users.
7.2. Procedure
7.2.1. First Point of Contact – Information The first point of contact is defined as the staff member receiving the enquiry from a service user. This enquiry may come to Equestrian Training Ltd via:
National Apprenticeship Service
Job Centre Plus
College partners
Awarding organisations Contact may be made through:
On-line services
In person Each first point of contact will have a variation with regard to the manner in which it is handled however all enquiries should be responded to in a professional and timely manner ensuring that the nature of the enquiry is recorded appropriately If the first point of contact is able help with the enquiry and provide the required information then this should be done in a clear, concise and accurate manner, supported with written information where applicable. An accurate record should be kept including the enquirer’s name, contact details, the nature of enquiry and the information provided. It is essential that the enquirer is provided with details with regard to what to do next. If the first point of contact is unable to respond to the enquiry then the enquirer’s details should be recorded as above. The enquirer should be provided with details regarding the person to whom the enquiry will be forwarded and a timescale given within which they should receive a response. The details of the enquiry should be forwarded electronically to the individual who will be giving the response. Where Equestrian Training Ltd is unable to assist the service user, a referral will be made to a range of agencies / partner organisations if appropriate. The referral will follow the procedure outlined below. As part of the Enrolment and Induction process, all learners will receive appropriate documentation with information appropriate to their programme of study.
7.2.2. Advice Pre-entry advice and guidance will be provided as part of the interview / initial assessment process. The outcomes of this will be recorded on the Individual Learning Plan. Advice will be provided to service users on an on-going basis forming part of the Learner Progress Review process. Records of advice given will be recorded on the Learner file along with a record of any actions to be taken by the learner or by the individual providing advice. Where an individual requires a referral to a specialist organisation, the procedure outlined below must be followed to ensure confidentiality is maintained.
7.2.3. Guidance In addition to pre-entry information, advice and guidance, guidance will be given to learners as part of the process of completing the programme of study. This guidance will include discussions with regard to appropriate progression routes and will be recorded on the Individual Learning Plan.
7.2.4. Referral There are a number of reasons why a referral may be made. This includes but are not limited to:
Equestrian Training Ltd is unable to meet an individual’s need
The individual requires specialist support In every instance of referral, no information about a learner may be passed to another agency without the expressed consent of the learner. The learner must understand why the referral is being made, how the agency to whom the referral is being made will be able to meet their needs more appropriately and must understand what the next steps will be with regard to the referral Any referral should be recorded appropriately on the Individual Learning plan for existing learners and on the enquiry form for first time enquiries.
8. Monitoring Information, Advice and Guidance
8.1. Equestrian Training Ltd will monitor the effectiveness of the IAG process through:
Internal review and quality processes
Learner feedback
Employer feedback
Partner feedback
External accreditation