1. Overview

1.1. We will always try to provide an excellent service. However, we know that sometimes users will feel the need to complain.

1.2. Equestrian Training will make sure that all complaints are dealt with quickly and fairly. We take complaints very seriously so we can improve the quality of our service.

2. Who can complain?

2.1. Learners or groups of learners, associated training and assessment centres, members of the public, and employers.

3. What can be complained about?

3.1. You can complain about:

  • teaching and learning and all extra services for learners

  • information and advice given to members of the public

  • health and safety, equal opportunities, equality and diversity, or a breach of any other process.

4. What can’t be complained about?

4.1. We cannot consider complaints:

  • for services outside the control of Equestrian Training if there has been a criminal offence

  • in the event a different process should be used (e.g. the disciplinary process).

5. How can you complain?

5.1. Talk to your trainer/assessor or an Equestrian Training representative. This is often the best way to deal with a problem. The problem may be able to be sorted out there and then.

5.2. In the first instance, if you are unable to resolve the issue informally, you can also:

  • complete feedback forms

  • contact your Equestrian Training staff by letter, email, phone call or by filling out a complaints form. Contact Equestrian Training by email to one or both of the following: lmccarron@equestriantrainingltd.co.uk ckendal@equestriantrainingltd.co.uk

5.3. You should set out the details of your complaint, the consequences for you as a result, and the remedy you are seeking. A response will be received within 10 working days.

6. What will happen after you complain?

6.1. One or more of the following are outcomes of a complaint:

  • You may get an apology.

  • The issue or error may be put right.

  • The service could be improved.

  • The complaint may be referred.

  • The complaint could be found to be wrong and will not be upheld.

  • The complaint could be found to be malicious and action may be taken against you.

7. What to do if you are not satisfied with the initial response to the complaint

7.1. You can write to ETL’s Director Amy Hodgson and ask for your complaint and the response to be reviewed. You can expect the Director to acknowledge your request within 4 working days of receipt and a response within 15 workings days. Contact the Director by emailing: ahodgson@equestriantrainingltd.co.uk

7.2. ETL’s aim is to resolve all matters as quickly as possible. However, some issues will be more complex and may require longer to be investigated. If a matter requires more detailed investigation, you will receive an interim response describing what is being done to deal with the matter, and when a full reply can be expected and from whom.

7.3. If you are on an apprenticeship and are not entirely satisfied with the reply from ETL’s Director, you then have the option to contact the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). The ESFA does not deal with complaints about employment issues (for example, a problem with your contract if you’re working as an apprentice).

  1. Email or post your complaint to the ESFA complaints team complaints: email ESFA@education.gov.uk; post Complaints team, Education and Skills Funding Agency, Cheylesmore House, Quinton Road, Coventry, CV1 2WT

  2. The ESFA will reply to let you know what will happen next.

  3. You can contact the Department for Education if you’re unhappy with how the ESFA has dealt with your complaint.

  4. If you are not satisfied with the reply from ETL’s Director, then you have the option to bring the matter to the awarding body stating the reason why you are dissatisfied with the outcome:

8. What employers and satellite centres must do

8.1. Keep confidential records of all complaints.

8.2. Respond to complaints within 10 working days.