1. Introduction
1.1. Government Prevent Policy
1.1.1. Section 21 of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on certain bodies to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. The Government’s Prevent Strategy was published in 2011 and forms part of an overall Counter Terrorism Strategy known as CONTEST. The Contest Strategy has four elements which are:
1.1.2. Prevent is a key part of the Contest Strategy which aims to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Early intervention is at the heart of Prevent in diverting people away from being drawn into terrorist activity as Prevent happens before any criminal activity takes place. It is about recognising, supporting and protecting individuals who might be susceptible to radicalisation.
1.2. The Prevent Strategy objectives
1.2.1. Terrorist ideas should be identified and challenged.
1.2.2. Vulnerable people should be supported and protected from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorists.
1.2.3. Communities, institutions and the Government should all work together to tackle the problem of extremism.
1.3. Prevent Terrorism
1.3.1. The Government’s Prevent Strategy was explicitly changed in 2011 to deal with all forms of terrorism and target not only violent extremism but also non-violent extremism which can create an atmosphere conducive to terrorism and can popularise the views which terrorist exploit.
1.3.2. The United Kingdom currently faces a range of terrorist threats. All terrorist groups who pose a threat to the UK seek to radicalise and recruit people to their cause. A system of threat levels has been created which represents the likelihood of attacks in the near future. The current Government threat level from international terrorism in the UK is “severe” which means that a terrorist attack is a strong possibility.
2. Definitions
2.1. Terrorism
2.1.1. The current UK definition of terrorism is given in the Terrorism Act 2000 (TACT 2000). In summary this defines terrorism as an action that endangers or causes serious violence to a person/people; causes serious damage to property; or seriously interferes or disrupts and electronic system. The use or threat must be designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public and is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.
2.2. Extremism
2.2.1. A vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism call for the death of armed forces whether in this country of overseas.
2.3. Ideology
2.3.1. A set of beliefs. These beliefs can be religious, political or personal.
2.4. Prevention
2.4.1. Reducing or eliminating the risk of individuals becoming involved in terrorism. Prevent involves the identification and referral of those at risk of being involved in violent extremism.
2.5. Radicalisation
2.5.1. The process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to terrorism.
2.6. Radicaliser
2.6.1. A person who encourages other to develop or adopt beliefs and views that support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to terrorism.
2.7. Radicalising locations
2.7.1. Venues, often unsupervised, where the process of radicalisation takes place.
2.8. Radicalisation materials
2.8.1. Literature or videos that are used by radicalisers to encourage individuals to adopt a violent ideology. Some of this material may openly encourage violence.
2.9. Vulnerability
2.9.1. Describes the condition of being able to being injured, difficult to defend; open to moral or ideological attack. Within Prevent, the work describes factors and characteristics associated with being at risk of radicalisation.
3. Aims and Objectives
3.1. The aim of Equestrian Training Limited’s Prevent Strategy is to ensure that we are able to monitor, manage and deal effectively with the threat posed by any individual or group of individuals engaging in violent extremism in the name of ideology or belief.
3.2. This strategy has the following objectives:
To develop staff and learner awareness of Prevent
To ensure that learners and staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities in preventing violent extremism and radicalisation
To promote and reinforce shared values, to create space for free and open debate, and support the learner voice
To recognise and document current practice which effectively manages the risk of learners being exposed to extremism and becoming radicalised, ensuring its implementation throughout courses.
4. Our Responsibilities
4.1. To ensure that ETL effectively manages risks and is able to deal appropriately with issues around radicalisation and extremism we will:
4.1.1. Understand the nature of the threat from extremism and how this may impact directly or indirectly on ETL
4.1.2. Understand and manage potential risks within ETL and from external influences, including the display of extremist materials and use of venues
4.1.3. Respond rapidly and appropriately to events in local, national or international news that may impact on ETL learners
4.1.4. Ensure measures are in place to minimise the potential for acts of extremism within ETL learning environments
4.1.5. Ensure plans are in place to respond appropriately to a threat or incident within ETL
4.1.6. Adopt effective security where required and promote these to all staff and learners.
5. Teaching, Learning & Supporting Learners
5.1. ETL is committed to providing learning programmes which promote knowledge, skills and understanding in order to build the resilience of students, by undermining extremist ideology and supporting the learner voice.
5.2. This will be aided through:
5.2.1. Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion across the curriculum and promoting community cohesion
5.2.2. Promoting wider skill development such as social and emotional wellbeing.
5.2.3. Teaching and learning strategies which explore controversial issues in a way which promotes equality, diversity and inclusion
5.2.4. Use of external organisations to support learning and promote respect.
5.3. To ensure that the course venues remain safe the following support will be in place for learners:
5.3.1. Clear information, advice and guidance on preventing learners from being drawn into extremism and radicalisation
5.3.2. Literature written in clear and simple language which promotes equality, diversity and inclusion and undermines extremist ideology
5.3.3. Support for learners and staff and guidance on how to access support through community partners
5.3.4. A clear strategy to ensure that the learner voice is heard and concerns of the learner population are acted upon
5.3.5. Support for at risk leaners through safeguarding and mentoring processes.
6. Staff Responsibilities
6.1. The designated Prevent Officers, Amy Hodgson and Lara McCarron, hold overall responsibility for ensuring that the Prevent strategy is implemented across ETL and any concerns are shared with the relevant organisations in order to minimise the risk of learners becoming involved with terrorism.
6.2. The Prevent Officers will ensure awareness of the Prevent agenda is embedded into learning and provide the appropriate access to training.
6.3. All staff at ETL has a responsibility to:
6.3.1. Provide an ethos which promotes respect, equality and diversity, and inclusion
6.3.2. Report any concerns around extremism or radicalisation via the safeguarding reporting channels
6.3.3. Report on literature displayed or used at any venue that could cause offense or promote extremist views
6.3.4. Support the development of staff and learner understanding of the issues around extremism and radicalisation and participate in training when requested
6.3.5. Participate in engagement with local communities, schools and external organisations as appropriate.
7. Referrals
7.1. Where there is an identified/potential risk that a learner may be involved in supporting or following extremism, further investigation by the police will be requested, prior to other assessments and interventions. The designated Prevent Officers are responsible for contacting Police or the BIS Prevent Coordinator for further advice and guidance.
7.2. Any member of staff who identifies such concerns will report these to the Prevent Officer. All relevant information will be documented.
7.3. Incidents in relation to extremism are expected to be very rare but emergency procedures will be adopted when there is information that a violent act is imminent, or where weapons or other materials may be in the possession of a learner. In this situation, a 999 call will be made and ETL’s 7.4. Director informed as soon as practicably possible.
7.5. Where a vulnerable adult is thought to be in need or at risk of significant harm, or where investigations need to be carried out, a referral to the Social Services will be made in line with Safeguarding.
8. Training
8.1. Training on Prevent will be delivered as part of the 3 yearly Safeguarding refresher training programmes which all staff are required to complete.
8.2. All new staff members of ETL will receive Prevent training as part of their induction programme.
8.3. All staff receive company policies and receive current updates electronically, as well as through team meetings and standardisation sessions. Policies will soon be available to view on the company website.
9. Related policies
Whistle-blowing Policy
Recruitment Policy
10. Contacting Safeguarding/Prevent Officer
The Safeguarding Officers for ETL available on :
01768 785 135 / Email: info@equestriantrainingltd.co.uk
11. Monitoring and Review
11.1. This policy will be subject to review, alteration and replacement in order to reflect the changing needs of the business and to comply with legislation. Updated and new policies will be distributed to all staff and learners, and knowledge reviewed throughout the training and assessment process.